Elemental Festival Call for Short Prose & Creative Non‐Fiction
Mnidoo Mnising | Manitoulin Island, First Annual Elemental Festival, October 2-4, 2015
Deadline for all submissions: September 15th, 2015 at 5pm.
4elements Living Arts, an interdisciplinary community arts organization on Mnidoo Mnising | Manitoulin Island, is seeking works of previously unpublished short prose and creative non-‐fiction to be included in its first annual site‐specific Elemental Festival taking place on October 2‐4th, 2015. Ours is an organization that investigates relationships between the land, creativity and community, through research, arts creation, and economic development.
We want submissions of short fiction (600 word limit) and creative non‐fiction postcards (max 50 words) that imaginatively engage with our curatorial theme. This year’s theme is ‘Rivers’ generally, and the Kagawong river on Mnidoo Mnising | Manitoulin Island more specifically. We want it short, but the form and content are up to you: hermit crab essay, personal narrative, memory, lists, creative research, experimental or traditional, meandering or splashing onto the page. Your post card can be author-‐made, or otherwise, but consideration should be given to the theme when selecting
it. Make it yours.
Our curatorial questions: How are colonial processes expressed in our contemporary landscape? What has been erased or forgotten in these fluvial landscapes? What are the relations between body and river? How has the river changed over time? What are the relationships between our stories and place?
Winning entries will be read (by the author or a guest reader) at the Festival opening on Oct. 2nd, 2015 and included on the Festival website. Post-card entries will be displayed at the 4e Studio during the Festival.
Prizes for both the short fiction and postcard categories:
- 1st place —- $150
- 2nd place –‐ $100
- Honorable mention – 4e swag
Submit completed works in .pdf format by email (short fiction only) or snail mail.
For info, contact: patricia@4elementslivingarts.org
land · art · community