Call for Nominations: 2022 Alanna Bondar Book Prize!

We invite nominations for the next Alanna Bondar Memorial Book Prize for books published in 2020 and 2021.This biennial award is named in honour of Dr. Alanna F. Bondar (1968-2014), an ecocritic, ecofeminist, poet, teacher, and founding member of The Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada / L’Association pour la literature, l’environment et la culture au Canada (ALECC). Alanna was an Associate Professor of English at Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and the author of the narrative poetic work There are many ways to die while travelling in Peru (Your Scrivener Press, 2011), as well as many scholarly publications. Alanna was also a passionate educator, writer, gardener, and knitter.

For more information, visit the Bondar Prize page here.

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